Monday, September 20, 2010

Let's educate ourselves on Voldermort and Mufassa!

Is anyone interested in doing a little research on our animals? I would like a solid paragraph on each animal to put near their habitats. Email me the paragraph (after checking spelling and grammar) to First student to send one (and I need one for each animal) will receive one of my SPECIAL and IN VERY HIGH DEMAND pencils that reads: Mrs. Pallagi thinks I rock!!!!

Before you get started, you need to know the exact species of these lovely animals. Here you go:

Voldermort: Corn snake (albino)
Mufassa: Leopard gecko


  1. hey mrs. p i'll writeabout mufasa

  2. The (Angry) British Ninja WizardSeptember 29, 2010 at 2:02 PM

    VOLDIEMORT!! Please spell it write Pallagi!!!
